ACF Women’s Ministry exists for all women from every generation to connect in biblical community for the purpose of growing and maturing as devoted followers of Christ.

1-on-1 Discipleship

At ACF, we make disciples who make disciples. We use the Launching Multipliers resource to facilitate disciple making and multiplication, which is organized under 3 core concepts:

  1. Established for Growth

  2. Equipped for Ministry

  3. Empowered for Multiplication

This discipleship relationship requires the kind of intentionality that makes ongoing participation a key priority rooted in Jesus’ command to “make disciples”.

(Matthew 28:18-20)


Calling all moms! No matter if your children are preschoolers, college kids, or they have kids of their own, if you are a mom in any stage of life, you are welcome! Join us the second Friday of every month for fellowship, food, teaching, and fun! This year's theme is "Walk Worthy" and Kids Crew will be taking a deeper look into nature and discovering how it points us to our Creator.

  • September through May

  • 2nd Friday each month

  • ACF Campus Bldg 3

  • 9:30-11:30 am

  • Questions? moms@visitacf.com


Nothing fancy, just show up and pray together with other women.

First Saturday each month

7:00 pm


Come be refreshed with other women. Mark your calendar: July 11-12, 2025

There are so many ways to serve with women