Why We Give

Giving is an act of worship in response to the extravagant grace and glory of God.

Your faithful giving changes lives and communities not only locally, but around the world. Having freely received the greatest gift in the world—the love, grace, and mercy of God in Christ—we freely give of our own resources to extend the witness of the life-saving message of the gospel. Our giving principles can be found in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7.

  • We give first

  • We give on purpose

  • Not reluctantly

  • Not under compulsion

  • God loves a cheerful giver

What are Tithes & Offerings?

A tithe is a tenth and refers to the first ten percent of all our income. The Bible tells us that the tithe belongs to God and it is to be set-aside for Him (Lev 27:30) and it is to be brought to the storehouse (Mal 3:10) on the first of the week (I Cor. 16:1-2). Today that storehouse is the local church, and the principle is that we tithe where our family is connected and where we receive our spiritual food.

An offering is any amount over and above our tithe. In Malachi 3 the principle is taught that when the membership of a church tithe and bring offerings there will be more than enough to meet all the needs of the ministry.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7


Online giving is simple and secure.

Setup your “Automatic Recurring” giving or give a “One Time” gift.

Our Giving Platform has Changed

We have consolidated our systems and need your help to make the transition. Do you currently have a recurring gift set up through PushPay? Simply cancel that scheduled gift and then create a new gift through Planning Center Giving.



Give with the Church Center App on your smartphone.


Text any amount to 84321 to give


Drop your gift in the plate or offering box


2185 Golden Heights Rd
Fort Worth, TX 76177

Cancel PushPay Schedule

  1. Login to your PushPay Profile and view your account

  2. From Home Tab, find the Recurring Gifts section in the top right. Next to your scheduled gift click the Edit link.

  3. On the next screen, find the Actions button in the top right, click the arrow and choose Cancel Schedule.

  1. Click the Planning Center Profile button

  2. Enter the amount and choose the Fund

  3. Select One Time or choose Regularly to set up a schedule

  4. Enter a Payment Method and choose Start Giving

Set Up Church Center Schedule