ACF Kids is a place for infants through 5th grade to learn the Word of God through fun and engaging environments. We believe discipleship of the next generation happens best when the church and home become partners. Therefore, we partner with parents Sunday to Sunday to provide them with tools that encourage discipleship in the home.
ACF Aviators
Sundays 9:00 & 10:30am
Birth - 5th Grade
Aviators Online
Sunday Morning Resources and Activity Pages
Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm
2 yrs - 6th Grade
American Heritage Girls
Christian Scouting Organization
Girls K - 12th Grade
Trail Life
Christian Scouting Organization
Boys K - 12th Grade
First Flight Preschool
2, 3 and 4 Day Preschool
Infants - 5 years
Baby Dedication
Some denominations choose to baptize infants. While we recognize the right of other churches to practice infant baptism, we understand Scripture to teach that only those who have made the choice to follow Christ qualify for baptism. Baptism does not make you a believer, rather it shows that you already believe.
We recognize that parents may want to dedicate their children to God (1 Samuel 1:28, Luke 2:22) and publicly commit themselves to raise their child in a God-honoring home.