God designed us to live in community!

GroupLife is about honest, authentic people gathering to apply the Bible practically, with a willingness to struggle alongside one another, love each other through life, encourage and disciple each other in meaningful ways.


Bible Studies

Bible Studies are offered spring, summer and fall semesters, with varying biblical topics.

Life Groups

Groups who truly do life together, study the Word, and fellowship with food and fun.

Monthly Fellowships

Groups for various interests that fit into a busier schedule with less frequent meetings.

The Porch Groups

The Porch is an easy way for the whole family to be discipled on Sundays with specific topics of study and an offering of various kid’s skills. We meet each Sunday during the Spring and Fall semesters from 11:45am - 12:45pm in Building 9. Light Lunch is provided.

Fall 2024: Sept 8 - Nov 10 (Register HERE)

  • 3 Adult Classes

  • Kid’s Music Skills (K-5th participate, 6th-8th student leaders)

  • Little Porchies (4 years and under)

1-on-1 Mentoring
with Launching Multipliers

Have you ever been intentionally discipled as a believer in Jesus?

At ACF, we carry out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 by making more and better disciples. But what does it mean to "make disciples"?   

A disciple maker is a follower of Jesus who enters into relationships with people to help them trust and follow Jesus, anywhere along the journey from conversion through maturity and multiplication. This disciple maker is considered a mentor to the one being discipled (the mentee).

Mentor pairs are carefully placed together based on life experiences and availability, using the Launching Multipliers curriculum to facilitate disciple making and multiplication.  This 18-session study frames the process as the pair deepens their relationship with Jesus and their friendship with each other. 

Get started as a mentor or a mentee