At ACF, we believe that every follower of Christ is called and equipped to reach out to others with the transformational good news of Jesus Christ here on our campus, in our community, and around the world.

As we serve, we Engage, Evangelize, and Equip. We engage in conversation with people in our circle of influence. We evangelize by sharing our story of God’s good news. We equip by teaching others to observe his commands in the context of their faith journey.

God has blessed all of us with many gifts and talents. Maybe you are skilled as an actor or a piano player or a speaker or an athlete. God calls us to use all of these talents in service of God and others. But the Holy Spirit has also blessed us with spiritual gifts.

As a follower of Jesus, exploring and exercising your spiritual gifting is a vital and exciting part of your spiritual journey. This inventory is designed as a tool to help you discern the spiritual gifts God has given you.

Serve On Our Campus

4 Now as we have many parts in one body, and all the parts do not have the same function, 5 in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.
-Romans 12:4-5

Serve In The Community

12 Rejoice in your hope, be patient in your troubles, and continue steadfastly in prayer. 13 Share what you have with God’s people, and practice hospitality.
-Romans 12:12-13

Serve Around The World

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
-Acts 1:8

Serve On Our Campus


  • Grow stronger leaders for tomorrow by leading teenagers today.

    • Sunday morning or Wednesday night

    • 6th-12th grade

    Opportunities include:

    • Power Parent: Special Events (“as needed” position with minimal commitment)

    • Power Parent: Backup Small Group Leader

    • Small Group Leader for Middle School or High School (one year commitment August to August)

    • Worship/Games

    • Registration/Snack Table

    More about Students HERE

    Student Leader Onboarding HERE

  • Make a difference in the life of a child.

    • Sunday morning

    • 9:00 & 10:30 am

    • Classes for Babies-5th grade

    More about Aviators HERE

    Aviators Volunteer Onboarding HERE

  • Partner with families as they raise kids who know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.

    • Wednesday nights during the school year

    • Age 2 – 5th grade

    • Bible memory, games, small group & large group

    More about Awana HERE

    Awana Leader Onboarding HERE

  • Inspire young women to be great leaders for tomorrow. Outdoor education.

    • Thursday nights

    • K-12th grade

    More about AHG HERE

  • Inspire young men to be great leaders for tomorrow. Outdoor education.

    • Monday nights

    • K-12th grade

    More about Trail Life HERE

    • Summer community day camp

    • K-5th grade completed

    More about WinShape HERE


  • Encourage and disciple men within the church and our community:

    • Lead a small group.

    • 1-on-1 Discipleship.

    • Help with Men’s Events.

    • Serve at our 2nd Saturday Men’s Breakfast.

    • Campus Enhancement.

    • Serve on Men’s Leadership Team

    • Serve in any capacity.

    More about Men HERE

    Men Serve Onboarding HERE

  • Encourage and disciple women within the church and our community:

    • Small Group Leader

    • 1-on-1 Discipleship

    • Serve on Women’s Leadership Team

    • Women’s Events

    • Serve in ACF Moms

    • Serve in any Capacity

    More about Women HERE

    Women Serve Onboarding HERE

  • Our Senior Adults are an active bunch! They meet in a variety of small groups and are willing to serve wherever needed.

    • Small Group Leader

    • 1-on-1 Discipleship

    • Senior Adult Events

    • Serve in any Capacity

    Senior Adult Team Onboarding HERE


  • Behind the scenes worship service production:

    • Sound/Lights/Screen

    • Stage hand

    • Camera

    • Online host

    • Worship team

    Production Onboarding HERE

  • A great way to serve periodically while connecting ACF to the people of the surrounding community.

    • Easter Week

    • VBS

    • Fall Picnic

    • & more

    Check current opportunities on the events page HERE.

  • There is no greater pain than the loss of a loved one. At ACF, we have a unique opportunity to have our hearts and doors open to families needing to host a loved one’s funeral service. Use your gifts of service, mercy and compassion to be God’s hands and feet.

    Funeral Hospitality Onboarding HERE

  • We are a church of small groups. This is where we do life together!

    • Host

    • Facilitator

    • Prayer coordinator

    • Hospitality

    More about GroupLife HERE

  • Welcome and value people during their Sunday morning experience.

    • Parking Crew

    • Golf Cart Driver

    • Greeter

    • Connections Desk Host

    • Usher

    • Safety

    • Coffee

    First Impressions Onboarding HERE

  • Keep our yard looking beautiful during growth seasons.

    • Saturdays during mow season

    • 7am for a few hours

    Operations Team Onboarding HERE

    • During office hours M-Th

    • Support ministry by doing behind-the-scenes tasks

    Operations Team Onboarding HERE

    • Prayer warriors for requests received online

    • Burden bearers for people in need of prayer after Sunday gatherings

    Prayer Team Onboarding HERE

    • Use your creative gifts and DIY abilities

    • Seasonally transform our stage

    • 3-4 times a year

    Indicate your interest HERE

Serve In Our Community

  • Amira’s House provides a home, life skills training, job assistance and child care to young women who have an unexpected pregnancy and no support system. There are continuous needs for babysitters, life skills coaches, spiritual advisors and administrative assistants.

    Click here to connect with Amira’s House.

  • Apartment Life is a faith-based, non-profit organization that has been serving the apartment industry since 2000. We believe every individual is created for community and that we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves. Our goal is to live this out while providing strong business value to apartment owners.

    Commit to pray for this organization, receive updates on other ways you can serve, or prayerfully consider joining the local mission field by being an apartment life leader.

  • Called to Serve is one of our longest standing local missions we support here at ACF. They have been praying with us since the inception of our church body. If you’d like to learn more about Called to Serve contact Dennis and Betty Jo Conner at

  • Children’s Hunger Fund provides boxes of food to at-risk children. Pastors deliver food to these children as they foster relationships with their families. These pastors deliver Hope one box at a time.

    We have 3 ways to get involved:

    1. Fill a box and bring it back.

    2. Volunteer for 2 hours at the Dallas warehouse.

    3. Give directly online.

    There is an increased need during the summer due to schools being out.

  • Christ’s Haven for Children provides a warm, loving, Christian environment in which children in need of basic care can grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our trauma-informed-family-based model of care encourages our children and teens to heal from their past trauma and envision and embrace a bright future.

    If you’d like to connect with Christ’s Haven directly for volunteer opportunities, visit their website.

  • Keeping children active and thriving in the Keller, Northwest and Carroll Independent School Districts is what Community Storehouse is all about. And we’re the only Nonprofit, 501(c)3 children’s charity in northeast Tarrant County focused on this mission.

    Visit the Community Storehouse website.

  • Monthly chapel services on the Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth with the 136 Airlift Wing to share the gospel, teach and disciple believers.

    For more information, contact Tonya Tucker at

  • Neveah (heaven spelled backward) is a foster home led by Danielle Snider. Dani’s dream for many years has been to foster/adopt children who need someone to genuinely love them, and a give them a place to call home. She currently has three children who have been in her care for more than three years and it is her dream and prayer to adopt them.

    For more information, contact Tonya Tucker at

  • Welcome to Discovery Village, a world-class senior living community in Fort Worth, Texas that is elevating senior living to a new standard.

    Be a part of this awesome ministry by serving these seniors in unique ways, committing to pray for them, or just getting updates.

    For more information, contact

  • At Tarrant Baptist Association, we invest in relationships to connect others with Christ through leadership development, gospel saturation and community engagement.

  • Fresh Food for those in need!

    When: 2nd Saturday of every month

    Time: 9-11am

    Where: Northpark YMCA – 9100 North Beach Street Fort Worth, TX 76244

    More information HERE.

  • The Gatehouse Program empowers women and children overcoming crisis to become permanently self-sustainable.

    They give a hand up so families achieve the dignity of earned success through a career-based income, financial stability, and the skills to manage their emotional, spiritual and physical health. Their evidence-based curriculum provides accountability and resources based on the individual’s needs and goals. While Members are enrolled at The Gatehouse, they are loved and guided through the Program by a team of experts and live on our 61-acre, privately funded and debt-free campus.

    They are not a shelter or short-term solution but serve those who have the attitude and ability to work for permanent change. They fill that gap in our community between short-term services and permanent self-sustainability.

Serve Around The World

  • Contact:

    Europe needs Jesus! Our mission is to equip, connect and multiply followers of Jesus through church planting and discipleship across Europe.

  • We provide a quiet place of retreat and reflection for all age groups to connect or reconnect with God and family. Military personnel are invited to spend time at LRCC when returning from deployment especially but are welcomed any time at no cost to them.

    For more information, visit their website HERE.

  • Kingdom Purpose International equips, empowers and mobilizes Christians in all domains of society to become agents of transformation to extend the Kingdom and bring positive change to the community in their sphere of influence.

    For more information, visit their website HERE.

  • LAUNCHING CHRIST-CENTERED MULTIPLIERS into their spheres of influence.

    Learn more about how you can get involved at Ministry Catalysts by contacting

  • Our airplanes are the only way many people living in remote jungles, deserts, and mountains can experience the love of Jesus. You can help us—and the hundreds of churches, missionaries, and organizations we serve—bring the gospel, medical care, education, community development, disaster relief, and more to isolated people.

    Mission Aviation Fellowship

  • From Dave Roever:

    My work with the military is not born out of schools of higher education, nor reading books of other people’s experience, but out of the tragedy of my own experiences. Having the opportunity to assist our young men and women, who are putting their lives on the line for our freedom, is one of the highest callings in my life.

    Commit to pray for and get updates on this awesome organization!

    More information HERE.

  • Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached.

    Commit to pray or get updates on this mission partner.

    More information HERE.

  • Sharing the Gospel, equipping the church, and helping the forgotten in 10 countries across Russia, the former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.

    More info HERE.

  • Everyone deserves access to God’s Word. You’re invited to join a movement of global proportions — so that all people will have the opportunity to discover Jesus and be transformed through Scripture they understand!

    More info HERE.