We are Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus, Loving and Discipling People
9:00 & 10:30 AM

This is who we are.
Imagine a community of beautifully broken people with one goal: to know Christ better and love others well. Imagine a place where tears are shed without fear, encouraging words are shared and hope through Christ carries us through each day. That is Alliance Community Fellowship. We are a church that believes in Jesus and the power of God’s word in our lives. It is our hope that you find community and connect here at ACF.
I’m New
Welcome to ACF!
If it’s your first time, here is what you need to know.
Growth Track
4-week class series. This is your first step in getting connected at ACF.
We are all about community. Find a group to do life together with.
We are called to serve. Find your passion and reach people for Christ.